Dive Deep: Understand Who We Truly Are

At Performance Scoring, our guiding principle is deeply rooted: to align people with organizations, believing that when individuals thrive, businesses soar. Each tool we engineer, every strategy we devise, resonates with this mission. Performance Scoring transcends mere software; it embodies potential, evolution, and unmatched achievement. Through our products, our vision isn’t merely to transform business operations but to elevate the very horizons of their potential.

Empowered Engagement

People are the heartbeats of organizations. With continuous feedback, regular check-ins, and a culture of reviews, we make sure every heartbeat is strong, synchronized, and vibrant.

Project Excellence

Every project holds potential; we ensure you tap into all of it. From Gantt-Chart visualizations to insightful reporting, we turn aspirations into achievements.

Meeting Mastery

We don’t just manage meetings; we transform them. By integrating third-party applications, offering 143-language adaptability, and ensuring comprehensive recaps, we ensure every discussion is a step towards progress.

Dynamic Performance Management

We understand the intricacies of success. Through tools like real-time OKR tracking and cutting-edge goal algorithms, we make sure businesses aren’t just measuring performance, but enhancing it.

Anthony Piccolo CEO at Performance Scoring

T. Anthony Piccolo

Justin Downey CTO at Performance Scoring

Justin Downey

Trevor Baker VP Performance Scoring

Trevor Baker

VP Education and Support
Office Number


Office Hours

Mon–Fri, 8am–5pm (CST)

13150 Coit Rd. Suite 304
Dallas, TX 75240
