Transform Your Goals: Performance Objective Excellence with Performance Scoring

Unveil the next generation of performance management. Strategize, measure, and celebrate organizational milestones across every role and team.

Transform Your Goals: Performance Objective Excellence with Performance Scoring<br />
Unveil the next generation of performance management. Strategize, measure, and celebrate organizational milestones across every role and team.
Transform Your Goals: Performance Objective Excellence with Performance Scoring Unveil the next generation of performance management. Strategize, measure, and celebrate organizational milestones across every role and team.

Transform Your Goals: Performance Objective Excellence with Performance Scoring

Unveil the next generation of performance management. Strategize, measure, and celebrate organizational milestones across every role and team.

Unveil the next generation of performance management. Strategize, measure, and celebrate organizational milestones across every role and team.

Exploring the innate limitations and challenges of managing performance objectives through conventional tools.

Organization Dynamics found that 52% of companies still using traditional performance objective tools admit that they lack the agility to make real-time adjustments to objectives based on changing business needs.

Delayed Adjustments

Organization Dynamics found that 52% of companies still using traditional performance objective tools admit that they lack the agility to make real-time adjustments to objectives based on changing business needs.

A study by Accounting and Business Research found that 29% of managers find data errors when setting and tracking performance objectives using manual methods, undermining the very purpose of performance tracking.

Data Integrity Issues

A study by Accounting and Business Research found that 29% of managers find data errors when setting and tracking performance objectives using manual methods, undermining the very purpose of performance tracking.

Inconsistency Issues A study by Forbes found  79% of employees feeling they don't get enough constructive feedback, inconsistencies in feedback mechanisms can hinder growth.

Limited Scalability

According to Public Administration Review 34% of organizations report that as they grow, traditional tools like Excel struggle to scale with the complexities of managing diverse performance objectives across roles and teams.


Of companies report that their performance management process drives high levels of value.


Of employees said they want more feedback than they currently receive. 


70% of companies are currently reassessing their entire performance management strategy in search of improved solutions.

Supercharging Performance with Precision Tools

Adaptive Objective Creation<br />
Tailor objectives for individuals, distinct roles, or expansive teams. From internal to external dynamics, synchronize every goal with our holistic platform.

Adaptive Objective Creation

Tailor objectives for individuals, distinct roles, or expansive teams. From internal to external dynamics, synchronize every goal with our holistic platform.

Sophisticated Goal Adjustments

From ramping to pro-rated objectives, our suite provides a spectrum of customization’s. Remain engaged with system-generated notifications at pivotal milestones.

Sophisticated Goal Adjustments<br />
From ramping to pro-rated objectives, our suite provides a spectrum of customization's. Remain engaged with system-generated notifications at pivotal milestones.
Flawless Integration into Review Mechanisms<br />
Infuse objectives within employee assessments for cohesive performance feedback. Recognize, evaluate, and champion the accomplishments of your team.

Flawless Integration into Review Mechanisms

Infuse objectives within employee assessments for cohesive performance feedback. Recognize, evaluate, and champion the accomplishments of your team.

Add and Update via CSV

No need for multiple data entry.  Just upload the latest Objective data you have as a CSV and let Performance Scoring process and import the data for your whole organization for you.

Bulk Import Objective Data
Flawless Integration into Review Mechanisms<br />
Infuse objectives within employee assessments for cohesive performance feedback. Recognize, evaluate, and champion the accomplishments of your team.

Flawless Integration into Review Mechanisms

Infuse objectives within employee assessments for cohesive performance feedback. Recognize, evaluate, and champion the accomplishments of your team.

Pioneering OKRs – The Performance Scoring Approach

Hassle-free Reporting Via Meeting Scorecards<br />
Bid adieu to cumbersome reporting. Leverage meeting scorecards for a consolidated view of your objectives, ensuring complete stakeholder alignment.

Hassle-free Reporting Via Meeting Scorecards

Bid adieu to cumbersome reporting. Leverage meeting scorecards for a consolidated view of your objectives, ensuring complete stakeholder alignment.

All-encompassing Performance Dashboards

Real-time progress tracking at your fingertips. Drive alignment and foster an informed culture across the board.

All-encompassing Performance Dashboards<br />
Real-time progress tracking at your fingertips. Drive alignment and foster an informed culture across the board.
Automated, Insightful Notifications<br />
Transition to a proactive stance with our smart notifications. Stay updated and never skip a crucial objective milestone.

Automated, Insightful Notifications

Transition to a proactive stance with our smart notifications. Stay updated and never skip a crucial objective milestone.

Review Integration Perfected

With objectives seamlessly incorporated into reviews, enjoy a comprehensive perspective on performance and growth areas.

Review Integration Perfected<br />
With objectives seamlessly incorporated into reviews, enjoy a comprehensive perspective on performance and growth areas.

Get Started on Your Performance Management Mastery

Transforming your team’s performance management is as easy as 1-2-3. Begin with a hassle-free purchase and setup your org’s performance objectives. Next, experience your inaugural log-in. Finally, enrich your understanding by joining our comprehensive tutorial meeting. Dive in, and watch your organization soar.

Simplified Purchase & Personalized Setup

Get Started on your Performance Scoring journey with ease. Purchase online and navigate through a tailored setup, enabling both individual team members and the entire organization find their groove.

Begin in the Welcome Meeting

Upon entry, a pre-curated ‘Getting Started’ meeting welcomes you. Enter into this session to journey through optional steps and nuances that truly make the platform resonate with your organizational ethos.

Seamless Team Onboarding

Power-up team synergy. Once purchased, alert your team and guide them to their inaugural log-in, where they can further customize their setup.

Help at Your Fingertips

Questions or ideas? We would love to hear from you. Our superior support is ready to collaborate in your meeting, address questions, and offer hands-on help whenever you need.

Lets Get Started… On Autopilot?

Wish for  a hands-off approach to getting started? We’ve got you covered. With Autopilot on-boarding, a dedicated specialist will precisely tailor to your preferences. Additionally, we’ll spearhead your inaugural ‘Getting Started’ meeting, ensuring you and your team have a smooth takeoff.


Our team thrives on clarity and direction, and Performance Scoring delivers just that. With personalized dashboards and automatic notifications, we always know where we stand. It’s a game-changer for performance objectives.

Meeting performance objectives, in-session goal monitoring, during-meeting target evaluation, in-conference performance assessment, within-meeting objective tracking
Miguel Reyes
Team Lead
Digital Dynamo Corporation

Performance Scoring has revolutionized the way we set and monitor objectives. The seamless integration into meetings and reviews ensures that we maintain a real-time pulse on our progress. Say goodbye to the days of lost Excel files and hello to streamlined success.

Revolutionize your performance tracking with Performance Scoring
Dev Patel
Director of Human Resources
GreenLeaf Industries

I never realized how outdated our objective tracking methods were until we transitioned to Performance Scoring. The shift from manual spreadsheets to dynamic performance management was transformative. We’re achieving more and consistently staying on track.

Modernize your performance objective tracking with Performance Scoring
Cassandra Thompson
VP of Operations
TechFlow Solutions

Are You Set for Meeting Mastery?

Unleash a new era of organizational synergy. Dive into the future of meetings, collaboration, and peak performance with Performance Scoring. Reach out now for your FREE, interactive live demo. Discover the transformation.