Roadmap to Aligning Employees with Company Values Using PerformanceScoring

Sep 7, 2023 | Employee Engagement, News

Roadmap to Aligning Employees with Company Values Using PerformanceScoring

Aligning employees with company values is more than just an ethical endeavor; it's a business imperative. Studies show that when employees feel a strong sense of alignment with their company's values, they are more engaged, productive, and loyal. In a Performance Scoring-enabled environment, these values are not merely relegated to posters on the wall or occasional team meetings.

Aligning employees with company values is more than just an ethical endeavor; it’s a business imperative. Studies show that when employees feel a strong sense of alignment with their company’s values, they are more engaged, productive, and loyal. In a Performance Scoring-enabled environment, these values are not merely relegated to posters on the wall or occasional team meetings. They are front and center, constantly evaluated in real-time coaching sessions, visible on employee dashboards, and assessed during performance reviews. Here’s how to effectively identify and engage your employees on company values using PerformanceScoring.

  1. Clearly Define Company Values
    Before you can engage employees on company values, they must be well-defined and universally understood. Deloitte found that “94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct corporate culture is important to a business’ success” (Deloitte, 2016). Use PerformanceScoring to continually reiterate these values in coaching sessions and make them visible on employee dashboards.
  2. Evaluate Alignment in Real-Time Coaching Sessions
    PerformanceScoring’s real-time coaching sessions offer the perfect avenue to gauge how well an employee’s actions align with company values. This continuous evaluation ensures that values are not just annual talking points but integral aspects of daily performance.
  3. Make Values Visible and Actionable
    According to Gallup, “41% of employees strongly agree that they know what their company stands for and what makes it different from competitors” (Gallup, 2017). Using PerformanceScoring’s employee dashboards, make company values permanently visible, allowing employees to see them, internalize them, and act upon them every day.
  4. Incorporate Values into Employee Reviews
    Performance reviews should be more than just a rundown of accomplishments and areas for improvement. They should also assess how well an employee embodies company values. Performance Scoring’s review features can help customize evaluation templates to include value alignment metrics.
  5. Celebrate Value Champions
    Recognizing employees who exemplify company values not only encourages them but also serves as a role model for others. PerformanceScoring’s analytics can identify these champions, making it easier for managers to acknowledge and celebrate their contributions.

Aligning employees with company values isn’t just a one-off activity; it’s an ongoing process that requires intention and consistent monitoring. Performance Scoring’s diverse features make it easier to keep company values front and center, ensuring a unified and committed workforce.