PS Reviews: C. Brower & N. Dvorak’s Article on Employee Feedback Challenges
In the recent Gallup article, “Why Employees Are Fed Up With Feedback,” C. Brower and N. Dvorak discuss the results of a recent Gallup report on employee feedback. Feedback is intended to drive learning and development of employees, which in return leads to increased productivity and performance. The traditional approach to feedback (annual employee performance reviews) do not accomplish this, and actually can decrease performance. “Critical, demotivating feedback leads to disengaged employees,” Brower and Dvorak begin. Performance management is obviously critical to business success, so why is employee feedback having a negative impact? Brower and Dvorak suggest “managers generally don’t know what to say – only 14.5% of managers strongly agree that they are effective at giving feedback.” This percentage is shockingly low for such an important driver of success, but Performance Scoring’s Employee Feedback System is the ultimate application for managers to engage and manage their people.
Manager to Employee Feedback
As mentioned above, managers aren’t overly confident when it comes to feedback, but that changes when feedback is integrated into their routine. Performance Scoring’s reporting features give managers a dashboard view of their team’s performance and the system uses objective data to direct employee engagement. “Managers need to deliver feedback that is both positive and effective,” Brower and Dvorak continue, “start with wins.” The ScoreBoard of Performance Scoring features dynamic drill downs for managers to see areas of by high, medium and low performance for their team. After logging into Performance Scoring (or receiving pushed automated performance notifications) a manager will know within minutes where their employee performance is high, and as such, where to begin the conversation. It is also important that employee feedback be specific. “The more specific and focused the conversation, the more employees can learn and plan for the future,” Brower and Dvorak echo. The Performance Scoring application generates data based on Factors, or the objective measurables driving success within each company role, regardless of how specific or unique they may be. Of course, the manager-employee relationship must be consistent; Brower and Dvorak recommend that managers “keep conversations frequent” in order to be effective. As a continuous feedback system, Performance Scoring keeps conversations surrounding performance, growth and development frequent amongst teams.
A Long-Term Solution
Employee feedback solutions are not complex, they just require a starting point and a modest organizational commitment. When done correctly, with the right processes and tools in place, employee feedback becomes a security blanket for the long-term success of a business. Case studies show that when performance management becomes routine everyone thrives, and for obvious reasons. “Routine assures employees that they’ll get the opportunity to be recognized, ask questions, discuss performance hurdles or blueprint their near-term work,” write Brower and Dvorak. Many of the employee feedback tools that have emerged allow organizations to give feedback within their limited frameworks. Performance Scoring is the first to break from that trend by not being a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather is an extension of a company that only measuring what matters. Your employees want feedback, it’s how they grow, but traditional methods have lost their effectiveness. Get started with Performance Scoring today, give your employees the feedback they want and experience the business results that everyone wants!