No More Data Silos with Unified Search

At Performance Scoring, we understand the importance of seamless information flow and efficient meeting management. Our new Unified Search functionality is designed to eliminate data silos and help leaders focus on what truly matters by providing quick and comprehensive access to all relevant information from their team.

Professional woman using Unified Search on Performance Scoring platform
Discover the Power of Unified Search

No More Data Silos with Unified Search

At Performance Scoring, we understand the importance of seamless information flow and efficient meeting management. Our new Unified Search functionality is designed to eliminate data silos and help leaders focus on what truly matters by providing quick and comprehensive access to all relevant information from their team.

All Your Data, All in One Place

Why Use Unified Search?

  • Efficiency:
    Quickly find the information you need without navigating through multiple sections.
  • Comprehensive Access:
    Search across all aspects of the application, including discussion topics, task details, meeting notes, feedback notes, reviews, and more.
  • Streamlined Navigation:
    Use search to directly access forms and operations, saving time and effort.

Key Benefits of Unified Search

  • Break Down Data Silos:
    Unified Search ensures that no information remains buried, providing a holistic view of your team’s activities and performance.
  • Save Time:
    Reduce the time spent searching for information, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.
  • Enhanced Productivity:
    Streamlined access to information enhances overall productivity and decision-making.

How to Use Unified Search

Using Unified Search in Performance Scoring is simple and intuitive:


  1. Initiate a Search: Click the magnifying glass icon at the top-right corner of your screen from anywhere within the application.
  2. Search Across the Application: Enter your search query to scan through QAs, tasks, meeting notes, feedback notes, reviews, and more.
  3. Navigate Quickly: For specific operations, such as adding a new user, type your query (e.g., “New User”) and select the relevant option under Quick Links. This takes you directly to the desired form or operation, bypassing multiple navigation steps.
Performance Scoring is EOS Compatible

The Go-To Platform for Proactive Teams!

Webb Family Law uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
US Claims Solutions uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
FleetServe Rail uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Bechtel uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Native Services uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Southwest Funding uses Performance Scoring in their meetings to keep cross-functional teams aligned.
JDM Digital uses Performance Scoring for all their customer-facing meetings so client feedback is always captured and the project stays on-track.
Integrity Cabinets uses Performance Scoring for all their company-wide meetings holing all parts of their business accountable.
Wild West Storage uses Performance Scoring meetings to hold all parts of their business accountable.
The Estates uses Performance Scoring meetings to hold all parts of their business accountable.
Emergency Plumbing Services uses Performance Scoring Feedback to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement across the organization.

Get Started Today

Say goodbye to data silos and enhance your efficiency with Performance Scoring’s Unified Search. Log in to your account and experience the ease of accessing all the information you need from a single search bar.

By integrating Unified Search into your workflow, you’re taking a significant step towards more efficient and effective management. Explore the feature now and see the difference it can make in your daily operations.

Embrace a new era of seamless information access with Unified Search. Click the magnifying glass icon now and discover the power of unified data retrieval!