Where Meetings Meet Performance

Performance Scoring is where teams gather to have productive meetings, meaningful 1:1s, build collaborative agendas, record discussions, and hold each other accountable.

Meeting Management application by PerformanceScoring

Where Meetings Meet Performance

Performance Scoring is where teams gather to have productive meetings, meaningful 1:1s, build collaborative agendas, record discussions, and hold each other accountable.

The Go-To Platform for Proactive Teams!

Webb Family Law uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
US Claims Solutions uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
FleetServe Rail uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Bechtel uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Native Services uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Southwest Funding uses Performance Scoring in their meetings to keep cross-functional teams aligned.
JDM Digital uses Performance Scoring for all their customer-facing meetings so client feedback is always captured and the project stays on-track.
Integrity Cabinets uses Performance Scoring for all their company-wide meetings holing all parts of their business accountable.
Wild West Storage uses Performance Scoring meetings to hold all parts of their business accountable.
The Estates uses Performance Scoring meetings to hold all parts of their business accountable.
Emergency Plumbing Services uses Performance Scoring Feedback to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement across the organization.

Elevate Every Interaction: Meetings, Metrics, and More



Optimized Meetings: More Results, Less Time.

  • Structured Focus: Embrace a clear agenda for robust alignment and unmatched productivity.
  • Consistent Cadence: Seamlessly manage daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual sessions to maintain a steady rhythm.
  • Timely Talks: Ensure punctuality, precision, and progress in every discussion with our built-in meeting timer.
  • Speak Globally, Understand Locally: Automatic translations in 143 languages based on browser settings ensure that everyone's voice is heard and understood.
  • Integrated Productivity: Effortlessly embed third-party applications such as Hubspot, Google Suite, Microsoft, and more, amplifying your collaborative capabilities.


Tracking Excellence Where It Counts

  • Data at the Helm: Harness the power of visual insights to drive informed decisions and elevate performance.
  • Empower Growth: Channel attention towards crucial employee development areas, amplifying their potential.
  • Stay Informed: Continuously enlighten your team on the key metrics pivotal to their roles.
  • Seamless Integration: Embed ScoreCards directly into meetings, ensuring real-time feedback and cohesive evaluations.
  • Strengthen External Partnerships: Implement ScoreCards for vendors, partners, customers, and more. Achieve alignment, build trust, and maintain a comprehensive, objective historical narrative for every collaborator.

Projects & Tasks

Mastering Alignment & Accountability in Every Task

  • Clear Assignments: Easily delegate, clarify, and monitor deadlines, ensuring everyone's on the same page.
  • Deadline Dedication: Cultivate a culture where timelines are respected and met consistently.
  • Unified Efforts: Boost organization-wide collaboration, bridging departments and teams for holistic project success.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Work seamlessly across 143 languages, ensuring clear communication and understanding.
  • Integrative Functionality: Embed tools like Hubspot, Google Suite, Microsoft, and more directly into your projects for streamlined operations.

1:1 Reviews

Transformative Feedback for Growth

  • Structured Evaluations: Formalize reviews using standardized questions, ensuring consistency and fairness.
  • Historical Insight: Maintain a record of past scores and notes, allowing for trend analysis and growth tracking.
  • Genuine Conversations: Promote open, honest, real-time dialogue, fostering trust and understanding.
  • Actionable Feedback: Deliver precise, constructive feedback that employees can act upon for continuous improvement.
  • Empowerment through Transparency: Enable both parties in the review to have access, ensuring clarity, mutual agreement, and collaboration on development areas.


Unifying Ideas in Real-time

  • Instantaneous Interactions: Real-time editing and commenting spark dynamic exchanges, elevating the best ideas to the forefront.
  • Clear Attribution: Effortlessly track contributions, ensuring every voice is recognized and valued.
  • Action-Oriented Conversations: Seamlessly transform discussions into actionable items, ensuring productivity never takes a back seat.
  • Language Inclusivity: Work harmoniously across 143 languages, fostering global collaboration without barriers.
  • Integrated Tool Ecosystem: Embed third-party applications such as Hubspot, Google Suite, Microsoft, and more, elevating collaboration to a whole new level.

Seamless Integration, Limitless Possibilities

Rather than replacing your cherished technology tools, Performance Scoring seamlessly intertwines with them. We amplify their potential, integrate effortlessly, and form a cohesive digital environment for optimal productivity and collaboration.

Animated visual showcasing Performance Scoring's capability to seamlessly embed multiple document types into meetings.

Enrich Your Meetings with Seamless Embeds

Integrate shared documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, and diverse 3rd-party applications effortlessly into your meetings. Easily embed HubSpot, Google Apps, Microsoft Office apps and more! Ensure all participants are literally and figuratively on the same page, enhancing collaboration and understanding.

Integration Options

Versatile Integration: Expand Your Digital Ecosystem

Easily connect with giants like Microsoft and Google through Single Sign-On (SSO) for simplified employee access. Plus, with the power of Zapier Zaps, unlock integration potential with over 5,000 diverse applications, amplifying Performance Scoring’s capabilities and enhancing your workflow.

Transforming Meetings: Connect Every Dot

Say goodbye to meetings that should have been an email. Transition from lackluster meetings to impactful collaborations with AI-powered Performance Scoring. Make every session purposeful, insightful, and results-driven.


Before the Meeting

Achieve stellar meeting outcomes by setting a clear foundation. With Performance Scoring, elevate your planning to ensure all participants are on the same wavelength.

Craft a Clear Agenda: Outline the meeting's direction and set priorities.

Announce & Inform: Share crucial updates and general insights.

One-Click Video Conferencing: Seamlessly integrate video sessions.

Easy Embeds: Integrate essential tools and external items.

Dynamic Discussions: Prep by reviewing and adding pivotal discussion points and tasks.


Before the Meeting

Achieve stellar meeting outcomes by setting a clear foundation. With Performance Scoring, elevate your planning to ensure all participants are on the same wavelength.

Craft a Clear Agenda: Outline the meeting's direction and set priorities.

Announce & Inform: Share crucial updates and general insights.

One-Click Video Conferencing: Seamlessly integrate video sessions.

Easy Embeds: Integrate essential tools and external items.

Dynamic Discussions: Prep by reviewing and adding pivotal discussion points and tasks.


During the Meeting: Foster Collaboration & Insight

Nurture a vibrant meeting atmosphere where every voice is valued. Harness the power of Performance Scoring to make interactions dynamic, fruitful, and inclusive.

Time Mastery: Monitor total time and allocate it efficiently to agenda items.

Real-time Documentation: Maximize meeting efficiency by harnessing AI for real-time documentation. Capture every critical discussion, project update, and task insight with our advanced transcription and summarization technology, ensuring no detail is missed.

Agile Navigation: Don't be afraid to take a meaningful detour.

Recognition: Highlight achievements and value contributors.

Constructive Conclusions: End with a purpose and rate the meeting for continuous improvement.


After the Meeting: Seamless Follow-ups & Action Items

Ensure that post-meeting follow-ups and actions aren't just about documentation, but about deriving value and direction. With Performance Scoring, transform meeting conclusions into actionable insights. Delegate tasks and responsibilities based on meeting outcomes. Assign action items to relevant staff members and provide clear instructions and deadlines for follow-up actions.

Comprehensive Recaps: Dispatch meeting minutes and notes effortlessly.

Direct & Delegate: Prioritize actionable items and assign them based on meeting insights.

Integrated Task Management: Add related tasks and questions directly into the app for cohesive follow-ups.


After the Meeting: Seamless Follow-ups & Action Items

Ensure that post-meeting follow-ups and actions aren't just about documentation, but about deriving value and direction. With Performance Scoring, transform meeting conclusions into actionable insights. Delegate tasks and responsibilities based on meeting outcomes. Assign action items to relevant staff members and provide clear instructions and deadlines for follow-up actions.

Comprehensive Recaps: Dispatch meeting minutes and notes effortlessly.

Direct & Delegate: Prioritize actionable items and assign them based on meeting insights.

Integrated Task Management: Add related tasks and questions directly into the app for cohesive follow-ups.

Achieve Your Goals with PerformanceScoring

Advance towards your objectives with PerformanceScoring, enhanced by AI capabilities. This platform is the cornerstone for organizational engagement, providing instant, unbiased data and insights. It enhances collaboration and growth across all levels through a comprehensive suite of tools, tailored support for staff, and actionable coaching insights. With AI integration, PerformanceScoring ensures a clear understanding of individual and organizational progress, propelling you towards achieving your mission and vision.


Unified Communication, Diverse Applications

In Performance Scoring, we believe that meaningful meetings drive organizational harmony. Whether you're connecting with external stakeholders or ensuring alignment within your teams, our platform is versatile enough to facilitate each connection.

External Meetings

Engage external stakeholders effortlessly. Invite guests and ensure every discussion is documented.


Team Meetings

Maintain cohesion and focus. Discuss projects, address blockers, and auto-report key takeaways to leadership.


Leadership Meetings

Stay abreast with ground realities. As updates rise, leadership can zoom into informed decision-making.


1:1 Reviews

Build transparency and trust. Conduct structured employee reviews within dedicated meetings.



Merge strengths across domains. Empower cross-functional teams to confluence their skills in interactive sessions.


Board Meetings

Steer the organization's vision. With structured agendas and real-time data, leadership can home in on strategic insights.


Are You Set for Meeting Mastery?

Unleash a new era of organizational synergy. Dive into the future of meetings, collaboration, and peak performance with Performance Scoring. Reach out now for your FREE, interactive live demo. Discover the transformation.

Embark on Your Performance Scoring Journey

Transforming your team's productivity is as easy as 1-2-3. Begin with a hassle-free purchase and setup. Next, experience your inaugural log-in. Finally, enrich your understanding by joining our comprehensive tutorial meeting. Dive in, and watch your organization soar.

Simplified Purchase & Personalized Setup

Embark on your Performance Scoring journey effortlessly. Purchase online and navigate through a tailored setup, ensuring both individual team members and the entire organization find their groove.

Seamless Team Onboarding

Jumpstart team synergy. Once purchased, alert your team and guide them to their inaugural log-in, where they can further customize their experience.


Engage in the Welcome Meeting

Upon entry, a pre-curated 'Getting Started' meeting welcomes you. Dive into this session to explore optional steps and nuances that truly make the platform resonate with your organizational ethos.

Assistance at Your Fingertips

Questions or curiosities? Fear not. Our dedicated support is eager to collaborate in your meeting, address inquiries, and offer hands-on guidance whenever you need.


Ready to Set Sail on Autopilot?

Desire a hands-off approach to getting started? We've got you covered. With our Autopilot onboarding, a dedicated specialist will meticulously tailor everything to your preferences. Plus, they'll spearhead your inaugural 'Getting Started' meeting, ensuring you and your team have a smooth takeoff.

Master the Meeting Methodology

Unearth the secret to hosting transformative meetings that drive action and foster collaboration. Dive into our exclusive video and discover our evidence-based approach to orchestrating effective and engaging meetings.

Unleash the Power of Performacne Scoring

Harnessing technology can redefine how you implement your meeting strategies. Get a firsthand look at how our cutting-edge platform amplifies the efficacy of the methodology, simplifying execution while maximizing results.