Two Choices, One Clear Winner

Performance Scoring and Bloom Growth are both popular meeting management software solutions. However, if you consider Performance Scoring’s unmatched feature-set and customization options, coupled with a more intuitive user interface, and our “no-silo” approach to data, the choice is pretty simple. But, decide for yourself.

Performance Scoring vs Bloom Growth
Performance Scoring vs Bloom Growth

Two Choices, One Clear Winner

Performance Scoring and Bloom Growth are both popular meeting management software solutions. If, however, you consider Performance Scoring’s unmatched feature-set and customization options, coupled with a more intuitive user interface, and our “no-silo” approach to data, the choice is pretty simple. But, decide that for yourself.

Advantages Performance Scoring has over Bloom Growth

Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3

Better Data Aggregation

We built Performance Scoring with our “no-silos” approach to data. That means all sorts of different performance data is updated at the same time. The individual’s goals add into the team’s goal as a whole. Feedback is communicated across the organization to those who need to know about it. Selected performance data rolls-up to the meeting ScoreCard with no need for additional data entry.

More than Meetings

Meeting Management is the capstone of Performance Scoring, but there’s a lot more beneth that surface. From Performance Reviews to Custom Surveys and Feedback to Best Practices, Performance Scoring has the tools you need–all baked right in and ready to be used or populated via API hooks with other 3rd party applications.


Performance Scoring has invested significantly more than our competitors in intrgrating ethical AI-powered tools such as transcription, summarization, and even automated data analysis with recommendations.

Compare Performance Scoring with Bloom Growth

Here’s a side-by-side feature comparison of Performance Scoring and Bloom Growth so you can make your own decision.

Features Performance Scoring Bloom Growth
Meeting Management R R
Customizable Meeting Agendas R R
Meeting Templates R Q
EOS-Compatible R Q
Edit ScoreBoard Periods R Q
Performance Reviews R r
Transcription in Reviews R Q
Send Tasks to Teams You're Not On R Q
Text Notifications R Q
Assign Tasks to Users Outside of Meetings R Q
Interactive Org Chart R Q
Future Accountability Chart R Q
Voice-to-Text Transcription R Q
AI-Powered Summarization R Q
"Auto-Magic" Analysis and Recommendations R Q
Unified Search R Q
Custom Survey Forms R Q
Performance Scoring is EOS Compatible

The Go-To Platform for Proactive Teams!

Webb Family Law uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
US Claims Solutions uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
FleetServe Rail uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Bechtel uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Native Services uses Performance Scoring for internal meetings between cross-functional teams.
Southwest Funding uses Performance Scoring in their meetings to keep cross-functional teams aligned.
JDM Digital uses Performance Scoring for all their customer-facing meetings so client feedback is always captured and the project stays on-track.
Integrity Cabinets uses Performance Scoring for all their company-wide meetings holing all parts of their business accountable.
Wild West Storage uses Performance Scoring meetings to hold all parts of their business accountable.
The Estates uses Performance Scoring meetings to hold all parts of their business accountable.
Emergency Plumbing Services uses Performance Scoring Feedback to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement across the organization.

See for yourself

Request a live demo of Performance Scoring and see for yourself how it stacks up to Bloom Growth.  The live demo is free and could include access to a sandbox for you to play with the application on your own.

Let's Get Started

Our onboarding team can migrate your entire organization from Bloom Growth to Performance Scoring in a matter of a few days–at no additional fee. Cancel any time during the onboarding process at NO CHARGE.