5 Essential Tips for New Managers

Nov 4, 2023 | Employee Engagement, News, performance management

5-Essential-Tips-for-New-Managers.Stepping into a managerial role for the first time is both exhilarating and challenging for new managers. While many skills may have earned you the promotion, leading a team requires a different set of competencies.

A Guide to Navigating Your First Leadership Role with Confidence

Stepping into a managerial role for the first time is both exhilarating and challenging for new managers. While many skills may have earned you the promotion, leading a team requires a different set of competencies. A study by the Center for Creative Leadership found that “roughly 38% to 50% of new managers fail within their first 18 months” (Center for Creative Leadership, 2019). To avoid becoming part of this statistic, consider these five essential tips for new managers, which can be further enhanced through Performance Scoring’s suite of tools.

  1. Know Your Team
    Establishing a rapport with your team is crucial for effective leadership of new managers. Hence, Performance Scoring’s analytics dashboard can offer insights into individual team members’ performance and preferences, helping you understand how to lead them better.
  2. Set Clear Expectations
    Unclear expectations can lead to confusion and poor performance. Use Performance Scoring’s real-time coaching features to set and clarify goals, providing immediate and consistent feedback.
  3. Foster Open Communication
    According to a Salesforce report, “86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures” (Salesforce, 2019). Utilize PerformanceScoring’s Pulse Survey tool to gauge employee feedback and encourage open dialog.
  4. Develop Your Own Management Style
    Management is not one-size-fits-all. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and adapt accordingly. Performance Scoring can assist in identifying areas where you excel and where you may need improvement.
  5. Never Stop Learning
    The best managers are always open to new information and skills. Meanwhile according to Harvard Business Review, “58% of managers said they never received any management training” (HBR, 2012). Make it a point to continually develop your managerial skills, using PerformanceScoring’s analytics to track your progress over time.

New managers can significantly benefit from incorporating these five tips into their leadership approach. With the additional support of Performance Scoring’s real-time coaching and analytics, you can ensure that you’re not just surviving in your new role, but thriving.

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