Developed for Service Companies

Performance Scoring is a performance management system that was originally designed specifically for a service company. Our original partner company needed a way to prevent recalls and other process failures while promoting successes and employee growth. After the first month of Performance Scoring recalls were reduced by 75% and are now virtually nonexistent. Plumbing, HVAC, and Electric Performance Management System ready to partner with your company today. With the framework already set, just provide a company census and you can start scoring today.

Recalls Prevented This Year

Our Partners' Success

With Performance Scoring’s performance management system in use, our partner companies have accomplished some great things. Some of their accomplishments are:

  • Lowered recalls by 75%
  • Became the #1 Service Vendor for a Fortune 50 commercial customer
  • Generated ROI average of $20 for every $1 spent on Performance Scoring
  • Improved Residential Service Rating to 5 Stars
  • Dramatically reduced employee attrition and turnover

Experience these benefits with Performance Scoring today, we only need a company census.


Current Software and Data

Everything that Performance Scoring captures and reports on is new to your management team. However, you don’t need to replace your current software and systems by any means. Performance Scoring works symbiotically with them by informing on productivity and performance data.

Home & Field Service Management Software

This software takes financial data that you already have access to and breaks it down further, this identifies but does not go beyond that. We generate the corresponding performance and productivity data to accompany financial trends.

Human Resources & Payroll Software

Administrative functions, not business solutions. These tools do not give operational insight into performance and productivity of your people. Manage your people with new performance data for the Factors that matter.

Annual Performance Reviews

Checking the box with annual performance reviews for employees is ineffective, and a compliance function rather than a business solution. Continuous feedback with Performance Scoring provides objective data on employee performance.

Financial Trends & Sales Data

This data and analytics has always steered the ship, and for good reason. Couple it with objective performance data to unlock true insight into what happens at every level in the company.

Prevent Process Failures & Promote Success

The first step towards decreasing, and ultimately preventing, process failures is to measure them. Our system will let you measure and monitor the Factors unique to your company’s operating procedures. Ask yourself:

How many recalls does the company average per month?

Now decrease this by 75%. How much additional revenue does that equate to each month? How much additional revenue is this per year? 

When employees hit certain targets or go above and beyond towards accomplishing goals, that impact is felt and it should be recognized.

Retain & Grow Talent

Performance Scoring harbors a company culture that prioritizes employee growth and development through continuous coaching and engagement. With this company culture your workforce is always motivated and where attrition is virtually nonexistent. Unemployment is at record lows and the labor market has never been tighter. When you find the right fit, make sure they are happy and engaged with Performance Scoring.

  • Replacing a highly trained employee can exceed 200% of their annual salary – Center for American Progress
  • Engaged employees are almost 60% less likely to quit a job – Gallup Report
  • Offering career training and development would keep 86% of millennials from leaving their current position – Bridge


Three Steps to Increase Revenue Internally

Performance Scoring is capturing and documenting the Factors that happen to generate the performance data that you are missing. The only thing that changes with our system in place is that now when a Factor occurs, an employee spends 15 seconds to properly document it and communicate it to management.


1. Score

Use peer-to-peer feedback to score users and capture real-time performance data. Factors are what lead to success and failure, now capture them to prevent the bad and promote the good.


2. Analyze

View real-time performance data to see how the company, departments & teams are performing. This is new data that enables management to always react proactively. 


3. Engage

Engage your people and harness their growth and development. If everyone increased productivity by 1% how much would that increase the bottom line?

Measure What Matters

With Performance Scoring you are measuring only what you know matters. Need help getting started? Below are the most common ScoreCard Categories of our partner service companies, and the top Factors from each. 


  • Customer name not documented from communication.
  • Inadequate communication with customer.
  • NTE not raised prior to re-dispatching
  • Recall mishandled
  • Inadequate info to collect COD
  • ETA not provided to customer


  • COD not collected / turned in
  • Invoice / call slip not completed
  • Wrong customer info or billing info selected
  • Delayed entry on checkout application
  • Service call entered in erroe
  • Incomplete notes / charges
  • No equipment check out / in

Company Policy

  • Unprofessional comment spoken or written
  • Dispatch moved into AM/PM column without complete info
  • Uniform infraction
  • Parts restocking review
  • Payroll turned in late

Data Entry

  • Improper or no PO used
  • Line item entry error on work order
  • Pricing Error
  • No customer name found
  • No signature


  • At-fault auto accident
  • Safety protocal violation
  • brought valid safety concern to management
  • Driving violation

What Our Clients Are Saying

Want to hear from some of our clients? We picked a few of our favorite performance management application users. They love Performance Scoring, and so will you.

This has been the best investment my company has made. It almost single handily increased our margins and our bottom line. The best part about the growth we have seen, is that our employees have come to love it, and management doesn’t know how they managed performance before.

Brad C.

President, Plumbing Company

Subscribe for a 45-day trial today!

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