Performance Scoring Wraps Up International Builders’ Show 2019
After hundreds of great conversations with attendees and exhibitors (and many miles walked!), the 2019 NAHB International Builders’ Show is officially in the books. A big congratulations and thank you to the National Association of Home Builders on another great show and celebration of the its 75th anniversary in Las Vegas. The Performance Scoring Team worked exhaustively to gather performance management survey data and insight within the industry, the results were surprising and will be released soon. We look forward to seeing some familiar faces at IBS 2020 and being a part of another great NAHB show.
The National Association of Home Builders was able to gather more than 100,000 attendees for the 2019 International Builders’ Show in Last Vegas. Performance Scoring’s roots are in the commercial services industry, but with many leaders present we wanted to survey the use of performance management within the building industry. Our team was out in full force meeting with attendees and exhibitors to discuss performance management and complete a five-question, anonymous survey. The survey results reveal that performance management in building is ineffective at the majority of companies and nonexistent at the rest. Effective performance management is proven to increase company profits, employee development and company culture, but the following results show that these benefits are devoid in the building industry: