Embrace the Future with Performance Scoring’s New Future Accountability Chart

Jun 21, 2024 | News

As a small to medium-sized entrepreneurial company, visualizing your current organizational structure is crucial. But what about the future? How will your company evolve, and how can you plan for these changes effectively? Performance Scoring is proud to introduce our new Future Accountability Chart feature, designed to help you anticipate and shape your company’s future.

Future Accountability Chart

What’s a Future Accountability Chart?

  • Planning for the future is essential for any growing business. The Future Accountability Chart allows you to:
  • Anticipate Changes: Visualize your company’s growth and structural changes over time.
  • Strategic Alignment: Ensure that your future organizational structure aligns with your long-term business goals.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain a clear understanding of future roles and responsibilities within your company.

How to Get Started

  1. Access the Feature: Navigate to People >> Future Accountability if you have the necessary permissions.
  2. Add a New Chart: Click the Add New button, give your chart a name, and select a future date.
  3. Select Starting Data: Use an existing structure as a starting point.
  4. Build Your Chart: Add, edit, drag & drop, and delete elements using the intuitive interface.
  5. Save Your Progress: Click Save Draft or Publish when you’re ready.
Introducing the Future Accountability Chart from Performance Scoring

With the Future Accountability Chart, you can proactively manage your company’s growth, optimize resource allocation, and improve internal communication.

Ready to get started? Request a free, live demo, or learn more about the new feature and begin shaping your company’s future today.

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