PS Reviews: HR Morning – New research highlights keys to successful feedback and performance management

Feb 14, 2019 | News

Performance Scoring Reviews: Tim McElgunn’s Article on Successful Feedback and Performance Management

In a recent article for HR Morning, “New research highlights keys to successful feedback and performance management,” Tim McElgunn discusses new research that indicates the inclusion of an unconventional feedback method is key to effective performance management. Given that traditional performance management has been generalized as ineffective, “performance management theory is among the fastest-evolving areas of human resources,” begins McElgunn. Feedback is one of the critical areas of performance management theory that continues to evolve rapidly. “Research shows that both giving and receiving feedback are stressful – they feel like conflict and we prepare and react accordingly,” says McElgunn. This statement runs parallel to why Performance Scoring’s Factor System relies solely on objective data to alleviate the feeling of conflict.
performance management system 2019

Research Results

Research published by the NeuroLeadership Institute suggests, “flip the feedback loop on its head” in order to mitigate the negativity associated with professional feedback. The researchers “recommend training everyone – employees, supervisors, managers and execs – to instead ASK for feedback on a regular basis.” With this established, the next step is “everyone needs to think about specific aspects of the job they want to discuss” and seek feedback on. Is it possible to self-identify aspects of the job that one can improve upon, without being inhibited by self-preservation? An effective performance management system would have a process in place to identify the areas where each employee can focus on improvement. Performance Scoring objectively identifies the areas and aspects at each level of a company where feedback should be sought through distributed Performance ScoresMcElgunn concludes the article with the statement that, “taking a fresh approach to how you think about feedback might make a real difference” toward performance management being viewed positively. This fresh step and having feedback be the driving force behind employee and organizational development and growth is only minutes away with Performance Scoring.