FactorBoard- Using the Company FactorBoard
To use the FactorBoard first log into your company’s Performance Scoring application (yourcompany.performacescoring.com). Once logged in, see the menu under “My Score”, select FactorBoard. The FactorBoard can be sorted by User/Group, ScoreCard Category, Factor, Factor...ScoreBoard Drill Down
Log into your company’s Performance Scoring Application (yourcompany.performancescoring.com) to access the ScoreBoard Drill Down. Upon logging in, click “Manage” on the menu to the left. Then in the dropdown menu locate “ScoreBoard” and select it. At the top of the...How to Review a Recent ScoreCard
To view a recent ScoreCard for your company first login to your company’s Performance Scoring application. Once logged in, see the menu on the left side of the screen and click “ScoreCards.” A dropdown menu will appear where employees can select to view...Creating and Editing Factors
Learn how to create and edit factors, the objective measurables that drive or inhibit success.
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