Performance Management for Education

Data-Driven Continuous Improvement Data Visualization & SIS Unification

Performance Scoring is the ultimate web-based Performance Management for Education tool delivering actionable insights through data visualization to district, school campus, and classroom leaders. The Performance Scoring Application for Education is the long-term performance enhancing solution that evolves and adapts with districts, campus schools, and classrooms to ensure continuous improvement.

Engaging Students & Staff.

Evaluating Performance & Productivity.

Encouraging Culture & Accountability.

Features To Drive Continuous School Improvement

Performance Scoring for Education is a Web-Based District, Campus, and Classroom Performance Management for Education System. Developed as an extension of each school campus to bring actionable data visualization and insights about the underlying factors determining campus and individual success, while directing user engagement to where improvements can be made, providing the right information to the right people. Tailored specifically to each district, campus, classroom, or department, while unifying Learning Management Systems, Student Information Systems, and others to aggregate, analyze, visualize, and promote actionable data.

Continuous Feedback

Every role in the class, school, district, and region provides feedback on the positive and negative factors affecting success, performance, and productivity.

Authentic Data

Accessible data delivered to relevant stakeholders in real-time with automated chat notifications alerting users to the factors that drive or inhibit individual and campus success.

Performance Scores

User’s Performance Scores dislays which factors have been scored to them, showing their strengths, where individual improvements can be made, aggregated from all ScoreCard Categories where users are scored.

School ScoreBoard

Team Scores direct engagemet to class, department, grade level, team, school, or district to areas where coaching are required ensuring team development and success.

Benefits To Students, Staff, & Administration

The benefits in implementing Performance Scoring’s Performance Management for Education Edition in your class, school, and district will drive effective performance management leading to deeper engagement, greater individual & team successes, stronger accountability & authority, and it starts today.

Data-Directed Resources

Time and resources are limited, but with Performance Scoring’s data visualization and unification leaders are quickly directed where to best focus resources, ensuring maximum value from every role.

Informed Meetings & Strategy

With analyzed Authentic Data to drive team meetings, continuous measurement empowers leaders to strategize and course correct in real-time. This leads to less meeting time so leaders can spend more time in the classroom.

Evidence-Based Management

Historical data trends translate into actionable data and objectively report where engagement is needed to ensure continuous improvement.

Holistic Assessments & Understanding

The actionable data generated through continuous feedback in Performance Scoring for Education empower schools and districts to direct action by informing leaders on the underlying factors responsible for  outcomes.

Performance Scoring Partners

Performance Scoring has partnered with some of the leading education technology organizations to further unify, aggregate, and visualize authentic data resources. Here are a few of our integrated partners, with more coming on every week.

PowerSchool Performance Management Partnership with performance Scoring
PowerSchool Performance Management Partnership with performance Scoring
PowerSchool Performance Management Partnership with performance Scoring
PowerSchool Performance Management Partnership with performance Scoring
Factors - Measure What Matters

Performance Scores are determined by Factors, the objective measurables that stakeholders in the organization know lead to success or failure in each organizational role.

Drill Down to Individual Users Based on Performance

Instantly have access to the Performance Scores of the entire class, department, grade, school, district, and region along with each relevant individual user. Performance Scores reflect the entire individual or group’s performance in a given time, relative to their peers and other groups scored in those same ScoreCard Categories within the organization.

Strategize Proactively

Encourage and monitor adoption of Performance Scoring throughout your organization by reviewing Usage Reports of the Performance Management Application detailing individual and group usage statistics. 

Strategize Proactively

With real-time, objective data organizations can proactively strategize based on user performance results and trends directing a more surgical approach that leads to desired outcomes. Instantly know the areas of high performance and those where coaching is needed, and have the historical data to objectively track development.

Student and Staff Development in Real-Time

Access to data and trends reflecting student and staff development are available in real-time. View growth month-over-month, quarter-over-quarter, etc. to realize the development and performance changes to each student, staff member, vendor, group, department, or the school and district as a whole.

Ownership and Confidence of Performance

With each student and staff user having access to their performance metrics they can take ownership and confidence like never before. Students and Staff both know exactly what matters to to their leaders, and can objectively relate to how management views their performance. Teachers and administrators can trust in their actionable plans because the can determine in real-time the results and impact of their decisions.

Role-Specific Intuitive User Interface

Each user that logs into Performance Scoring’s Performance Management for Education Edition will only see their data, only displaying other users’ data relevant to their role, aggregating and analyzing that relevant data for themselves, their teams, and groups.

District Leaders

View and compare the performance of campuses with district-wide reports, and ensure compliance with district wide policies.


Capture and communicate what happens in the classroom efficiently to maximize the time spent teaching.


Improve your school campus by objectively knowing where performance is high and where improvement can be made.

Parents & Guardians

Receive an automated view of student performance at school and in each class, with the ability to easily communicate with teachers and staff.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Want to hear from some of our clients? We picked a few of our favorite performance management for education application users. They love Performance Scoring, and so will you.

This puts leadership in every classroom, giving us principals the data needed to better design and implement strategies, while giving us the ability to course correct in real-time.  Performance Scoring also helps focus resources based on real data so that every dollar is well spent to further our students educational experience.

Trevor B.

Assistant Principal, Middle School

Feedback and communication generated in the application help my students grow and ask for help when needed, informing me to direct action even when a student does not ask.

Erica T.

AVID Site Coordinator

The automated communication functions to staff and parents inform every relevant party, ensuring the are kept up today, know where improvements can be made, while encouraging students to communicate on their needs. 

Jennifer P


Strategies for Managing a Hybrid Workforce

The shift to hybrid work models has become an enduring reality since the Covid-19 pandemic, requiring leaders to adapt with resilience, flexibility, and enhanced accessibility. Managing a hybrid workforce—partly remote, partly in-office—poses unique challenges but...

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